AIA Continuing Education Systems (CES)

YKK AP America Inc. is a Registered Provider with The American Institute of Architects Continuing Education Systems (AIA / CES). Credit(s) earned on completion of this program will be reported to AIA / CES for AIA members. Certificates of Completion for both AIA and non-AIA members are available upon request. They are all Intermediate Level HSW Classes. You can also view download a printable version of the flyer over to the right.
YKK ASCE7-22 / 1.0 Hour / HSW – Yes
ASCE 7-2022 has a new chapter dealing with Tornado Loads, which is referenced in the 2024 International Building Code. Small tornadoes don’t get widespread attention, but cause more property damage and deaths than EF4 and EF 5 tornadoes combined. The new Chapter 32 addresses protection of the building envelope during EF0 to EF2 tornados. The new requirements affect Risk Category III and IV buildings in over 20 states in the central US. This course explains how to use the updated ASCE Hazards Tool to determine whether a building or campus must be designed for tornado loads and addresses ways to comply if it does.
NEW – Storefront, Window WalL and Curtain Wall APPLICATIONS + HANDS-ON TRAINING*
YKK SFCWWW / 3.0 Hours / HSW – Yes
While storefront, window wall and curtain wall are all fenestration systems, they do have distinctive differences that dictate where each system works best. Discover performance attributes of each system and learn assembly and installation procedures. One contact hour will be devoted to comparing structural, water and thermal performance for the various configurations of these systems. Two contact hours will be devoted to installation instructions and hands-on building of a storefront mock-up.
*This course is only offered to groups that come to our HQ Training Center
Ensuring Compliance with Today’s Energy Codes and Green Standards
ENERGCOM R2 / 1.0 Hour / HSW – Yes
The effort to improve the energy efficiency of buildings is primarily driven by energy codes and green standards. This course covers the latest in the ICC codes and ASHRAE standards. Through group discussion, the class will learn how to select vertical systems that meet these new requirements and whole building energy goals. It also reviews both frame and glazing performance and explains compliance methods for the commercial market such as AAMA 507 and NFRC Component Modeling Approach (CMA).
Fenestration and Glazing Considerations for School Safety
School Safety R1 / 1.0 Hour / HSW – Yes
This course explores design strategies for new schools to make the most effective use of glazing for daylighting, natural surveillance, safety and security by incorporating Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) guidelines. The importance of training faculty, students and staff will be stressed. Participants will learn how to select the optimal glazing for fenestrations locations throughout the school, and how to select locks and access controls from proven lockdown technologies.
YKK WFSCB / 1.0 Hour / HSW – Yes
School buildings will hold up much better if the correct products are selected. Selecting the best windows for a new or remodeled school requires a careful balance of aesthetics with a wide range of performance characteristics. Matching structural integrity to the location is essential and incorporating state of the art thermal advancements optimizes comfort and cost.
Curtain Wall Design
YKK 100 CW R2 / 1.0 Hour / HSW – Yes
Curtain Walls provide some of the most dramatic design details of a building. This course explains strengths and weaknesses of various types of curtain walls. Attendees will explore design pressure calculation, installation and glazing processes. A recent trend toward more fabrication and assemble in controlled environments will be analyzed. Latest energy codes will also be reviewed.
Structural Engineering with Components and Cladding
YKK S ENG R2 / 1.0 Hour / HSW – Yes
This is an introduction to structural engineering for components and cladding. ASCE 7 is the recognized standard for determining “Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures” in the United States. This course defines and explores the building block information, including mullion loading, required to determine design pressures. Past and current versions of ASCE 7 are compared and explained.
Accessibility Standards for Fenestration
YKK 100 ACC R1 / 1.0 Hour / HSW – Yes
The fundamental philosophy of the International Building Code now is that everything is required to be accessible; only exceptions will be called out. Yet it can be confusing to distinguish between code requirements and requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Fair Housing Act (FHA). This course will reconcile the three sets of requirements – IBC, ADA and FHA, as related to commercial fenestration.
Organic Finish or Anodized? Making the Right Choice
YKK 100 FIN R1 / 1.0 Hour / HSW – Yes
This course explains the types of Architectural Aluminum Finishes, it reviews the AAMA standards and evaluates the environmental impact pertaining to them. The course also differentiates their performance and explains their proper application and use.
7th Edition 2020 Florida Building Code with Components and Cladding
YKK 2020 FBC / 1.0 Hour / HSW – Yes
Jobs permitted after 2020 must comply with the new code. The focus of this course is to understand requirements and changes affecting vertical wall components and cladding. Most of the content is from Chapter 4 and Chapter 16 along with the Florida Energy Conservation Code. This course will help avoid pitfalls and make a smooth transition.
YKK 100 Impact / 1.0 Hour / HSW – Yes
Testing and performance standards for hurricane impact and cyclic pressure testing were established in the mid 1990’s and have now been referenced in coastal building codes for over 20 years. This course will share examples of how buildings have fared under these performance standards and how to leverage this knowledge to make buildings safer.
YKK 2018 TDI / 1.0 Hour / HSW – Yes
The Texas Department of Insurance (TDI) adopted the 2018 International Building Code with an effective date of September 1, 2020. Their authority is limited to the Designated Catastrophe Area as defined by the Texas legislature. The focus of this course is to understand requirements and changes affecting glazed openings. ASCE 7 – 2016 will also be reviewed.
Proper Application of Storefronts, Window Walls and Curtain Walls
OA301R / 1.0 Hour / HSW – Yes
This is an introduction to structural engineering for components and cladding. ASCE 7 is the recognized standard for determining “Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures” in the United States. This course defines and explores the building block information, including mullion loading, required to determine design pressures for your project. Past and current versions of ASCE 7 are compared and explained.